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by Joanne
Peaches in Brandy
Always pick best the peaches. Peel the peaches
and put down in a jar; one layer of peaches
about four peaches deep, covering thickly with granu-
lated sugar; then another layer of peaches covered
with sugar, and continue in this manner until you get
all the peaches in the jar you wish to brandy.
Let them remain under sugar twenty-four hours; then take
the same juice that comes from the peaches while under
sugar, boil it and pour over the peaches boiling hot.
Let them remain in this boiling syrup until it cools.
Take this same syrup and put on to boil, adding more
sugar so as to make it thick.
When it is thoroughly
cooked or all sugar is dissolved, put up the peache"s in
glass jars, and to one teacupful of syrup add one tea-
cupful of brandy and pour over the peaches, continu-
ing the same proportions of syrup and brandy until
the peaches are completely covered with the mixture.
Cork the jars and put in a cupboard. You need not seal the
jars unless you wish.
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